Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vocab Chapters 16-17

- Luke Mehring 

1.       Chrysanthemums (page 259) – The flower of any plants that come from the genus Chrysanthemum, which originated in china and is known for its distant variety of colors in the fall.

2.       Befuddlements (page 267) – root word Befuddle, meaning to confuse or scramble up

3.       Grabbling (page 268) – Means a method of gaining a physical advantage over someone or something else.  It is commonly used to describe noodleing (catching giant catfish using your fingers as bait) but it is not used in this way in the book.

4.       Asafetida (page 268) – This is a plant commonly found in Asia that has a very repugnant smell when raw, but when cooked into a dish it delivers a delicious and smooth taste.

5.       Glycemic Index (page 272) – A scale used to measure the effect of carbohydrates in food on blood pressure and blood sugar.  The higher the GI the worse the food is for your blood sugar/pressure.

6.       Bygones (page 284) – means something that is from an earlier time, famous from the phrase “Let bygones be bygones.” Which means let the past be the past essentially.

7.       MSG (page 286) –  Monosodium Glutamate, a common food additive, is an naturally occurring non- essential amino acid. Which means that our body either does not need MSG or produces it on our own but it is still added to food to enrich flavor.

8.       Teff (page 287) – also known as Eragrostic Tef is a species of grass that is harvested for its grain, much like wheat

9.       Amaranth (page 287) – is a collection/group of species of herbs.  There are over 60 plants that are in the Amaranth group that all evolved from a common ancestor.

10.   Quinoa (page 287) – this is a species of “goosefoot” that is grown for its editable grain.  It is not however, unlike most grains, a member of the grass family, making it unique.

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